Mirage Health & Wellbeing


The usual, orthodox way of making an appointment for Holistic Therapy, is to have an awareness of your body, and to choose the therapy that seems to fit – and book it.

A less utilised method is to let your therapist be the guide. Let them use their intuition, experience and knowledge to provide a ‘Therapy Path’ for you that is right for you at that particular moment. Then the fusion of the services becomes an alchemy, transforming the session to a higher plane and treating you as a complete entity.
Rather than a service user ordering from the Therapy Menu.

Hypnotherapy, Visualisation & Counselling. hypnotherapyBannera


Sometimes life feels hard.

If you are experiencing anxiety in your life, if you feel lost and out of control, or feel overwhelmed with worry, then talking to a therapist is a safe, effective way of getting yourself back on track. Guiding clients to a safer, more comfortable place, is my training as a Humanistic Counselor and Hypnotherapist.

Anxiety does not need to be in your life – whether it’s connected to work, school or some other aspect – and we can work together at your pace to make life what you want it to be.

Rest assured, my clients are ordinary, everyday people who have decided to find help, to be able to live their lives well.

I run a friendly, welcoming practice where we can work together to help you move to where you want to be in your life. Sessions are confidential, structured and solution focused, with support between appointments and a calm, gentle approach. We don’t spend hours going over and over your problem, but work towards the future with positivity. I offer practical techniques to help you live your everyday life in the way you want to, whilst tackling the deeper structure of what’s going on for you.

Hypnotherapy, Visualisation & Counselling. Library Image: Doorway of Hope

Life is not a habit.

Hypnosis is not sleep but a trance like state in which you are fully aware of what is going on around you and are able to respond to requests either verbally or by some other signal.

A trance state is achieved by deep relaxation of both the mind and the body using guided concentration. When this is achieved the boundary between the conscious and the unconscious minds begins to blur and then the unconscious becomes open to receiving new messages. This enables you to look at deep rooted issues such as phobias, fears and habits - and let them go.

Hypnotherapy is a relatively quick form of therapy compared to other forms of psychological help or counselling. Many forms of counselling or CBT work can take upwards of 8 to 12 sessions whilst an average client undertaking sessions at our clinics is likely to be with us for between 3 to 6 sessions.
Our work can help you to explore the root cause of your problem which is generally not possible with other therapies because at our clinics we work with the subconscious mind. The subconscious is something that we are not aware of on a day to day basis yet it can control your habits, behaviour, and mood. By getting you in to a very deep state of relaxation we are able to access that part of your mind so that we can understand exactly where your problem stems and work with you to make positive changes.

When you work with a clinical hypnotherapist there will be no point where you will be out of control or made to do anything that you don’t feel comfortable with. During our sessions we spend a significant time with you explaining how our methods work as well as dispelling the myths surrounding Stage Hypnosis. Our therapy sessions are safe, natural and relaxing and allow you to remain in control at all times. They are also very powerful and can help you to achieve life-changing results in a very short time frame. This is why increasing numbers of sports personalities and Olympians have been working with Hypnotherapists and Coaches to enhance their performance and improve their results.

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Giving Up Smoking

You can give up smoking - if you want to! My stop smoking hypnosis contains specially designed hypnotic and post-hypnotic suggestions that will transform you from being a smoker to a total non-smoker for the rest of your life.
I have a very high success rate – allowing you to give up smoking in a natural and drug free way and without using substitutes.
We take three 1 hour sessions over three weeks. [Gives time to really sink in].

Total contribution of £180 payable on the first visit to enhance commitment.

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Fears and Phobias

Fears & Phobias are often created when you are a child. The instance may be minor, but when it happens again and again it becomes more intense and creates a phobia. A phobia is something that can cause rapid heartbeat, sweaty palms, and the feeling of not being able to move your limbs. When removing a phobia, I may designs a program of 3 hypnotherapy sessions.

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Relieving anxiety and stress

Anxiety and stress can vary from mild to extremely serious and causes many different physical symptoms such as panic attacks, headaches, stomach problems, insomnia, heart problems and illness.
Our anxiety and stress relief hypnotherapy is designed to give you back control.

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Overcoming depression

Depression can be the result of one event or a build-up of different emotions such as low self-esteem, lack of confidence, social anxiety and so on.
Your hypnotherapy treatment for depression will find the root cause or causes or your condition. I will then use your mind’s own therapeutic process to get rid of the emotions that are causing the problem.

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Beating insomnia

Hypnosis is an ideal treatment to overcome barriers to restful sleep.
Hypnosis for insomnia is a relaxing technique that quiets your mind and calms your body, using imagery and relaxation techniques.

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Reaching your full potential

Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool in helping to drown out the ‘noise’ of life that can be holding you back.
I can help you reassess or review the path your life is taking, allowing your subconscious mind to tell you what you really need to make you happier.

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Past life regression therapy

Past life regression may be used to help you understand why certain life patterns exist, allowing you to free yourself from old belief systems, habits, fears and physical problems that are having a negative influence.
This method can effectively answer questions that you may bring into the session such as life purpose, karmic cycles, health concerns, relationship connections and emotional issues.

As Hypnotherapist and Counsellor, we aim to enable you to lead the Life you choose, be it with these issues or anything further.

Each of our Hypnosis sessions last for approximately one hour and usually take place one to two weeks apart. Some of our clients will see us on a session by session basis for their problems whilst for other conditions we may ask you to commit to a program. Examples of our programs include weight loss, help to stop smoking and confidence coaching. Please contact us for details of costs and program lengths for your needs.

Hypnotherapy - £60 per hourly session

[Stop Smoking - 3 session - £180]


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When you look around, there is nothing made by Humans that did not first exist as an image in someone’s mind. To create something without first imagining it, is impossible. Visual imagery has been used for a long time to enable clients to enhance skill-based activities, create desired emotional states, and achieve life goals. Being able to do something in your head, greatly increase your chances of being able to do it in real life.
Further, simulation can improve your motivation and increase your belief in your ability to achieve a goal.

Visualisation is therefore the practice of affecting the outside world by changing your thoughts and using imagination to experience new behaviours and new events. By creating detailed schemas of what you want, over and over again and by using all senses to recreate these, new patterns for a change in behaviours are laid down in the brain as templates.

Using the mind and your imagination, you can see the potential for new events and new behaviours in your life. Using positive thinking and these new learnings to see things and situations differently through creating a multi-sensory experience in your mind, these new, helpful and resourceful behaviours will become positive habits.
Using the Power of Creative Visualisation opens up opportunities to create positive outcomes. Picturing positive outcomes help you create this reality in your life.

An Illustration

To appreciate the power of your mind, imagine a plateful of lemons, cut one in half and then see what happens – you will probably be beginning to salivate. Similarly, imagine yourself running up a series of stairs and feel the effect that this has on your breathing and your heart-rate. The Power of Imagination!

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Your Chosen Destination

If you don’t feel experienced in visualisation then look at what is familiar to you. Think about what you had for lunch? Think about the colour of your front door? Who was your favourite teacher? What was your first pet? Where did you go for your last holiday. Start in those familiar places and relive the experience. That is Visualisation!

Hypnotherapy, Visualisation & Counselling. BELIEVEINYOU

South Pacific

In the film ‘South Pacific’ from 1958, there was a song called ‘Happy Talk’, and the lyrics ran:
Talk about things you'd like to do.
You got to have a dream,
If you don't have a dream,
How you gonna have a dream come true?

Unless you have a Dream, or a Destination, how will you find it and get there? Even worse, if you are unaware of what you want, and where you want to be, then you may well miss it entirely and carry on blithely unaware of your misfortune. How sad would that be?

To visualise is to form a picture in your mind. Whether it is in your unconsciousness, or your imagination, or maybe your deepest desires, to see your life unfold within your inner eye is the first step to your personal success and fulfilment.

Quotable Quotes

“If my mind can conceive it and my heart can believe it – then I can achieve it” - Muhammad Ali

“Anything you can imagine, you can create.” - Oprah Winfrey

"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For while knowledge defines all we currently know and understand, imagination points to all we might yet discover and create" - Albert Einstein

And perhaps the most powerful affirmation ever uttered: 'I am the greatest.' - Muhammad Ali

Brain Scans and Monitoring

Brain studies reveal that thoughts produce the same mental instructions as actions. Mental imagery impacts many cognitive processes in the brain: motor control, attention, perception, planning, and memory. The brain is getting trained for actual performance during visualisation. Mental practices may enhance motivation, increase confidence and self-efficacy, improve motor performance, prime your brain for success, and increase states of flow—all relevant to achieving your best life!

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Your Vision For YOUR Future

So work out what it you actually seek. A highly specific goal. What is it YOU want, or seek. Perhaps work related. Or relationship orientated. Or maybe even more Spiritual.

Visualisation is the practice of affecting the outside world by changing your thoughts and using imagination to experience new behaviours and new events. By creating detailed templates of what you want, over and over again and by using all senses to recreate these, new patterns for a change in behaviours are laid down in the brain and the mind.

Then call us on 01243 820330 to reserve you space to enable this to come to pass.

Hypnotherapy, Visualisation & Counselling. SEEINGATHERAPIST


There are times in our lives when we have difficulty coping, we face a painful situation or decision. Perhaps we have suffered a loss, or have problems in a relationship. We may feel a need for change, but do not know how to achieve it. Maybe we are suffering from anxiety or depression, or unable to control our anger - we feel we cannot cope with our present situation but don't know where we could turn for help.

At times like these counselling can help you to understand what is going on in your life - it provides a secure, supportive and confidential environment where you have the opportunity to explore your personality, patterns and events that happened or are happening in your life.

This can help you to find greater self-awareness and understanding = and so adopt more appropriate coping strategies in the future: making more informed choices and changes in how you live your life and how you relate to other people.

Can counselling help me?

Counselling can help with a wide range of problems: long term issues such as low self-esteem, depression, anger, stress, isolation, eating disorders, etc. Equally it can help with specific issues such as bereavement, relationship breakdown, abuse of any kind, addictions, cultural issues, etc.

Counselling - £40 per hourly session

In so many ways, for the Chichester, Bognor Regis and Littlehampton area, Mirage Health and Wellbeing enables you to move forward in Life!

There are times in our lives when we have difficulty coping, we face a painful situation or decision. Perhaps we have suffered a loss, or have problems in a relationship. We may feel a need for change, but do not know how to achieve it. Maybe we are suffering from anxiety or depression, or unable to control our anger - we feel we cannot cope with our present situation but don't know where we could turn for help.

At times like these counselling can help you to understand what is going on in your life - it provides a secure, supportive and confidential environment where you have the opportunity to explore your personality, patterns and events that happened or are happening in your life.

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